Dale and Byron answer your frequently asked questions…
A dug well (or bored well) is a large diameter hole (around 36”) that is encased with cement rings. It is usually quite shallow, relying on surface ground water to seep into the well. Dug wells rely on rain and snowfall, so the water level in these wells fluctuates year-round depending on the weather. For this reason, many dug wells run out of water during hot, dry summers.
Drilled wells are usually around 6 5/8” in diameter and are lined with steel pipe. These wells are drilled deep into the ground, tapping into large underground bodies of water called aquifers. Drilled wells produce a constant supply of clean, pure water year-round as they are not immediately reliant on surface water. One misconception about aquifers is that they flow in narrow streams or veins. However, aquifers are more like large underground lakes in that are stored in massive layers of sand or gravel. Aquifers (such as the Oak Ridges Moraine in Ontario) hold many billions of gallons of water.
As mentioned in the previous answer, drilled water wells produce a constant supply of water year-round. While a drilled well is a much bigger investment than a dug well, having access to such a dependable supply of water is invaluable.
The water accessed by drilled wells is also the safest source of water, as it is completely free from bacteria. This is because the water in these deep underground aquifers becomes purified as it slowly travels through hundreds of feet of sand and gravel. If your water well is drilled according to the Ministry of Environment’s (M.O.E.) regulations, it will be sealed with special grout along the outside of the steel casing to a minimum of 20 feet from the surface of the well. Drilled water wells should also have a water tight cap to prevent insects, etc. from entering the well. Thus, the typical contaminants that can become a problem with dug wells (such as earthworms, animal waste, septic waste etc.) should not be a factor with drilled wells.
When drilling, we are looking for a layer of sand or gravel that is saturated with water (also known as an aquifer). When we hit gravel that has water in it, the water immediately comes into the well casing and can be detected right away. When we hit a layer of sand that has water in it, there is pressure that forces the sand and water up into the well casing which indicates that we have found water. With our drilling technique and experience, we are confident that wherever the water is, we will find it. We never go past an area that has water without doing all we can to make a satisfactory well at that level.
We also research water well records from our own database and the M.O,E.’s database to find out what depths the wells are in your area. The best indicator is the closest neighboring well to your property. Most times, your water well will be in the same underground aquifer. Having drilled thousands of wells in York and Durham regions (including Whitchurch-Stouffville, East and West Gwillimbury, and King Townships), we have a very good idea of what depth to find water in these areas. This also helps us to more accurately estimate the cost of your finished water well.
The short answer is no. We cannot guarantee that we will always find water, as it is a natural resource. However, we are successful in finding water 99% of the time. In fact, there have been many times when we have been able to create a well on properties where other drillers have left dry holes. See our Testimonials page to hear what our customers have to say about our workmanship.
As stated in the previous response, we cannot guarantee what we will find in the ground ahead of time, as water is a natural resource. Once we have found water and the well is completed, we perform an official pump test on the well (according to M.O.E. regulation). Through this pump test, we can tell you exactly how much water the well is producing at that time. For example, if your well produces 10 gallons per minute, we guarantee that you will be able pump 10 gallons per minute around the clock at the time your well was completed. Your water supply should remain quite consistent for many years to come, as underground aquifers rarely change. Over time, the screens may corrode and the water supply can slow down. Screen corrosion can be treated through a special acidizing process which can sometimes restore the original supply of water.
Drilling deeper does not necessarily mean more water. When drilling, we will almost always encounter an aquifer with a large supply of water. Once we have reached this aquifer, we look for the best formation (i.e. sand or gravel that is free from silt) from which to make your well. In general, the wells we produce have a more than adequate supply for the customer. In fact, we are known for constructing high-producing wells. (See our Testimonials page.) We always do our best to meet the requirements of each customer.
When deciding where to drill your well, several factors should be taken into consideration. Your drilled well:
- must be a minimum of 50 feet from the septic system and/or any source of contaminants (according to M.O.E. regulations);
- must be in a relatively level and flat area that is accessible by our drilling rig;
- must be in an area that is free from overhead obstructions (i.e. hydro lines) that could interfere with the mast of the drilling rig;
- cannot be drilled in a swale or water course;
- should be easily accessible by our equipment for possible service work in the future; and
- should take future or current landscaping into consideration.
The property owner is free to choose the exact location of the well as long as the above criteria are met.
The pump size (or horse power rating) you will require for your well is determined by various factors, such as:
- how much water the well produces (a well that produces a large amount of water can use a larger pump);
- what depth the pump will be placed at (a pump that is placed deeper will require a stronger pump to push the water up the well); and
- how much water the owner requires for their home or landscaping needs.
Tanks serve two functions: acts as a water reservoir and it controls how often the pump starts and stops. The tank size you will need for your well is determined by:
- the size of the pump (ie. a larger pump will require a larger tank so that the pump is not starting and stopping more often than every 45 seconds. This prevents premature pump failure.); and
- how much water the well produces (ie. a larger tank can help compensate for a lower producing well by holding an extra reserve of water in storage).
Well screens are stainless steel cylinders with slot openings that prevent sand from entering the well while allowing the water to come in. A standard screen is three feet long. The finer the sand, the finer the screen slots/openings must be. Finer screens do not allow water to enter the well as quickly, therefore, more feet of screen must be used in order to increase the amount of water coming into the well.
No. As professional water well contractors, we are licensed through the Ministry of Environment (M.O.E.) in Ontario to choose the location and drill the well. The finished well is then registered through the Ministry of Environment. We put an official well tag on your well that consists of a series of letters/numbers that identify your well.
No. Payment is required in full once the well is completed and an invoice is given.
Here are some things to consider when reviewing your estimates:
- Does your estimate include the complete job, done according to government regulations for a safe and legal well? Some companies routinely “cut corners” to keep their prices low and may not be following M.O.E. regulations for proper water well construction.
- Does the estimate include the right size pump or tank that you will need in order to have an adequate supply of water? Quotes that include small pump or tank sizes will be less money, but those products may not be at all suitable for your water needs.
- What quality of products is included in the estimate? Some companies will include low quality products in their estimates to keep the price lower. Keep in mind that service work to replace or repair economy products can be costly in the long run. Please visit our products page to learn why we insist on using top of the line products for every job we do.